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Any human being wish to stay in his homeland with family all along life and even if he will travel abroad (economics reason or tourist)his mind still where he left and always think to go back, but some times your current situation requires you to flee your country within a matter of hours you my be torture, jailed with no reason. You’re just not safe in your own home. If you’re lucky you had some time to pack a bag, but this might not be the case and you could be left with nothing and lost members of your family then you're in loneliness, scared and anger. so you start a long struggling journey to change and acclimatized with the new reality.

We Shall Overcome all barriers to make you feel better and secure

my best word nothing can feel me better than wipe up someone tears in stormy moment

we know it is easy to destroy and hard or maybe very hard to build but choose the second, to feel real pleasure and inner serenity