
         human being is curious to know about his future and how he will prepare if something gone wrong generally we wish everything to be Okey, and that’s why we have a great dream in our life but to achieve is not an easy task for some is a nightmare and unlikely nobody wanted. that why some people are running to others who claims to see into the future include fortune teller, crystal-gazer, spaewife, seer, soothsayer, sibyl, clairvoyant, and prophet; related terms which might include this among other abilities are oracle, augur, and visionary …etc.


crystal reader

Pharaoh Astrologer
most famous predictor (prophecy) in history is the man who told pharaoh about a new born who will overthrow his throne. the king was furious and fear then he take immediately  action to kill any newborn (boy) in the same year Moses was born and he overthrew the king who get him self as god.

Caesar’s Soothsayer
Caesar was warned the Ides of March would be an exceptionally bad day for him by an unnamed seer. The Ides came and were nearly gone when Caesar ran into the seer on his way to the Theatre of Pompey. He basically said to the seer, “So, the Ides are here and nothing has happened, don’t you feel stupid?” and the seer responded, “They have come, but they are not gone.”The seer was right, of course ““ Caesar was murdered almost as soon as he arrived, stabbed 23 times.

was any priestess who manned the oracle at Delphi (you may have seen her brief, nude appearance in 300). Collectively, the Pythia made more than 500 predictions and statements that leaders would believe to the letter. For example, in the ninth century B.C., Pythia stated that “Love of money and nothing else will ruin Sparta.” As a result, Lycurgus banned silver and gold money and made Spartans lug around coins made of heavy iron instead. And in 67 A.D., she said to Nero, “The number 73 marks the hour of your downfall.” Apparently not liking to hear of his inevitable defeat, Nero had Pythia buried alive. He always thought he would die at the age of 73, but actually ended up committing suicide at the age of 30″¦ after a revolt by Galba, who was 73 years old at the time.


 No list of soothsayers would be complete without this guy. His prophecies pop up on a fairly regular basis and freak people out when they are able to apply his predictions to current events. Nostradamus himself would probably object to this behavior because he didn’t see himself as a prophet and mentioned many times that he didn’t guarantee the results of his predictions. One thing he did allegedly get right on the money, though? His death. On July 1, 1566, he is said to have told his secretary, “You will not find me alive at sunrise.” He was right ““ the next morning, Nostradamus was found on the floor next to his bed, dead from edema (accumulation of fluid beneath the skin or in body cavities). His predictions are far too numerous to mention here, plus, the interpretations and accuracy of each one have been much debated for years. Snopes has a good example of how his predictions get skewed, though.


The famous blind fortune-teller Baba Vanga, also called the “Balkan Nostradamaus” 1911-1996 her first visions started after her accidental loss of sight. well known for the people of Eastern Bloc (USSR) she will make many predictions – which she has never written, but which have been reported by her entourage. It would have accurately predicted several historical events such as the dismantling of the USSR  going through the dramatic tsunami that swept the shores of the Indian Ocean in 2004, there is many fake( some wrote what they think) on her prediction I don’t think she implicate in all prediction up to 2100.