
photography is my favourite hobby since a long time. black and white or colored,such good or bad moment in your life that strange feeling when you open


human instinct is to move from place to another looking for improvement, enjoyment and discover a new horizon around the globe


life is hard sometimes but "never give up" to reach your goal, you may need assist somewhere you may need some help from other people to soar


             of course this word is strange in English, but  the first five letters are  clear and from there to the end of the word  is combined to give us far sight to – photo and tourism – are linked together, obviously we like to keep our remarkable moment for example a part of landscape, strange animals, beautiful architect structures … etc, not only in our mind but  to share it with whom we know or even we don’t.

 when the euphoria of the mass movement started in Europe last 18th century and spread around the world some peoples interested in how they can gain a benefit, we know that’s Thomas Cook (1808-1892) is a pioneer in a travel and tourism affair, he did a great job by creating the base of Hospitality Management Administration.

In the photography construction perspective, most travel destinations hire professional photographers to take photos of their destinations. As a result, the photographs of destinations are most likely presenting the destination artistically because they can be portrayed by using the photography theories such as the composition, rule of thirds, visual weight balance, colors, and 

lighting  (Bhattacharya,  Sukthankar,  &  Shah,  2010).  However,  this  photography  knowledge conveys the art perspective (Garlick, 2002) not marketing productivity. Namely, professional photographers are able to take a beautiful photograph and make it aesthetically pleasing. However, without knowledge of the impact of elements such as colors of a photograph in the tourism context, the impacts of those beautiful photographs on tourism motivation are limited because this has not been studied in the literature. The colors used might not be the most effective way for marketing communication to get the best results for a tourism business. 

 when people see a photograph, one of the first things that comes to their minds is whether or not this photograph is beautiful. People tend to have aesthetic evaluation on what we see and to have a reaction towards things 

Affective and cognitive organisms are two significant factors that have been studied broadly in literature (Gross, 2002; Mischel & Shoda, 1995; Oliver, 1993). Much literature also supports that tourism destinations have both affective and cognitive components (Baloglu & Brinberg, 1997). Decrop (1999) described the cognitive component as the internal process of brain activity which relates to information processing, thinking, believing, and understanding. This cognitive process involves perception, learning, and attitude. On the other hand, the affective component represents the internal process of feelings and emotions of people towards things such as products and travel destinations (San Martín & Del Bosque, 2008).  

Tourists respond both affectively and cognitively to a travel destination (Baloglu & Brinberg, 1997) and they are significant factors affecting tourists’ satisfaction toward that destination  (del  Bosque  &  San  Martin,  2008).  Russel  and  Pratt  (1980)  proposed  bi‐polar emotional dimensions explaining affect including arousing, exciting, pleasant, relaxing, sleepy, gloomy, unpleasant, and distressing. These emotions seem to overlap and might not fit every situation. Back (2005) narrowed down the affect measurement on his study into feeling good, like, and love which still represents the emotional factors of the affect component. 

In this day , pretty much everyone is in common agreement that every business, from sole traders and SME’s and up to large corporations benefit – one way or another – from creating bespoke videos and share it with a large numbers of viewers the power of attraction for high skill domain