
                Mornay is locality in west Darfur state -Sudan, midway between Algenina and Zalingai, before the war it were about 1200 families, one primary school, one police station, medium market with crowd on Friday and wednesday, one empty medical clinic, the Sheikh represent the local authority. by 2004 it was transformed to one of the three biggest IDP in Darfur.

according to MSF
The 80,000 displaced Sudanese civilians living in Mornay camp had fled from 111 villages throughout West Darfur State that had been looted and burnt to the ground by pro-government militias, with the vast majority of people arriving between September 2003 and February 2004.According to a recent survey carried out by [Médecins Sans Frontières    – Doctors Without Borders(MSF) ] and Epicenter, one out of every 20 people – 5% of the original population of these villages – was killed in such attacks. While this average is appalling, particularly ferocious large-scale killings occurred in 11 villages between November 2003 and February 2004.

The killers primarily targeted men, who accounted for three out of every four deaths. Women and children were also killed, with more than 75% of the deaths among women and 50% of the deaths among children due to violence.

this is 15 years ago  report for ONG  imagine the situation now because of chaos thing getting worse.    

             images from Mornay